Friday, February 21, 2014

Lindy hop

最近学了Lindy-Hop。对一些像我这样舞蹈一窍不通的人,相信未必听说那是什么咚咚。我也是经朋友介绍下才得晓那是一种舞蹈。 它是美国17年代所谓的swing dance,即也是较活泼的交际舞。上了六堂课,我其实还未对它产生太大的兴趣,当初决定报名学习纯碎是在下班后找些活动让生活充实些。可是自昨晚参与了课后的social swing(任何阶段-初学者或资深Lindy hop 舞蹈员聚集的时段,也就是学者上完舞蹈课后),我真的大开眼界,原来这舞蹈一跳起来,竟然是那么有力既劲爆!那些学了几年的舞者个个都很享受于其中,真的是羡煞了我们这几个也只学了六堂课的小猫。
当然我也在舞池里被一些男生邀舞了,但是舞步是超烂得不行,跳得团团转,步伐真的无法跟上,弄得我尴尬不已;p 还好他们并不介意,而我却每跳一段就开口闭口都说“sorry...sorry...", 难堪死了!
就这一晚,我下定决心一定要把这舞学好,总有一天我也能像他们一样跳得起劲!加油,Susan! 你一定行!
虽然昨晚跳得不怎么样,但我还是挺享受的。。 哈哈!

Sunday, February 16, 2014





今天突然很想吃McD,不知觉地就跟着感觉走进了McD快餐店,叫了一份从以前一直到现在的最爱-McChicken。不知从何开始,一个人的感觉早就成了一种习惯。尽管如此,我都会尽量让自己享受当下,也不想向以往那样自怜,因为时间教会了我什么叫不必要。自怜又如何,那只会叫自己更可悲。每个人的机遇不同,也许上天正考验我的耐性,要我在对的时机遇上对的人。加油,Susan! 那个人一定也在另一个时空等着与你相遇的时刻。这叫“乐观”,也或许是“希望”😜

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Goodbye, Jade Wonder

Yup, it was finally sold, my Jade Wonder! I complained a lot about it for past few weeks because it gave me so much troubles for repairment that cost me few hundreds while having hard time to sell it off. Now, it was gone and I felt released but at the same time, I think I should be thankful for having it to bring me around for the last 15 months. One good thing about him was he was a gas saver. Goodbye, Jade wonder, though I didn't really treat you well (I hardly bathed him =P), you're my first asset in United States.
*This blog has been written long time ago but not posted until now. Paiseh =P

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stand on your feet

Recently, life has been hectic with my preparation back to Singapore. First, I managed to get rid of the furniture and stuffs at home by garage sales. Secondly, I finally moved into a hotel for more comfortable living condition.

Next step is selling my car. Thing doesn't always come in your way. A series of unhappy things started to happen around me. First, I have been so stressed up selling off the car when time is getting closer to my departure date. People have been asking the car by emails but never showed up in the appointment. This reminds me of the stressful period when I was looking for car so urgently on my first few months in United States. Having a car is not fun! It has been a burden for me right now.

At the same time, I have problem with my credit card that I just found out yesterday that I have 11 fraudulent transactions in my credit card account. My account has been hacked! What a Friday!

Praying hard all these would be over soon. However, I believe, things will get better. I just gotta be calm and be positive. Ultimately, I believe I'll solve the problems one by one. That's life, the roller coaster!

Friday, July 1, 2011

The fighter

Recently, I've been watching a few good movies which include "The pursuit of happyness" and "Cinderella Man" that I really like the most. Both are about how a man fights for life and for the only man's dignity. It was very encouraging, enlightening and inspiring.

Many times, realizing it or not, I whined about small, little, unimporant, no-big-deal-things happened around. I get upset easily with unnecessary things. I believe it all comes to be small matters when you really have no time to think about, but fight for bread and butter, getting to survive for the day. Yes, I should be grateful of what I have and this should always be my reminder whenever I am complaining or whining about life again.

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."~ Unknown

Saturday, June 25, 2011




曾经我的前任老板问我:“你有什么梦想?” 我说,“我想去环游世界!”。老板张大眼睛对我笑了一下,似乎怀疑那是一件不可能的事情发生在我身上。现在身在美国的我想对他说:我虽然未完成那心愿,但我已经很满足现在的成就,至少我已在美国这个大国多个地方留下脚印!

